5 Scientifically Proven Ways Why Mindfulness Meditation is Good for Your Health

Afnan Bibi
3 min readNov 6, 2021

We are spending our days just running from the moment to the moment. Many things happen in our life that is beyond our control. However, it is our responsibility to take charge of our mental states and change them for the better.

Many of us think mindfulness means being in the present moment — right now, right here.

According to Buddhists, mindfulness meditation means avoiding any stream of thoughts (aimless or purposeful). They aim to still the mind by understanding themselves and their connections to all beings.

By engaging with regular meditation, we can achieve a peaceful and energized state of mind. Healthy sleeping patterns, self-discipline, and even pain tolerance are also promised by meditation.

This article reviews 5 benefits of meditation for better health:

1. Reduction in Chronic Pain:

A person dealing with chronic pain creates excessive suffering that leads to significant issues. These issues may be a social, medical, relationship, low productivity, and extensive healthcare expenses.

Meditation practice can help patients to cope with severe chronic pain more effectively. For this, the most popular mind-body intervention is known as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).

2. Improves Sleeping Patterns to Fight Insomnia:

Insomnia is a severe condition that badly affects sleeping patterns which leads to poor productivity. Mindfulness meditation helps in coping with the stressful routine, due to which positive changes happen in sleep quality.

In a state of stress, depression or anxiety, our brain finds it more difficult to sleep.

Meditation helps to build a relaxed state of mind which is often described as a relaxation response.

3. Benefits of Consistent Practice:

To get the maximum benefits of mindfulness, we truly need to practice it regularly and often.

According to the research, the effects of a (10 minutes) single-session mindfulness exercise lead to better recognition of memory and executive attention. It also automatically leads to efficient task performance. (Watier & Dubois, 2016)

4. Promotes Emotional Health and Self Awareness:

Meditation is beneficial for our emotional health and self-awareness. It improves our self-image by having a more positive outlook on our life.

Self-examining and related types of meditation help us better understand ourselves. It reduces feelings of loneliness and increases social contact. This may help in improving creative problem-solving skills and is the starting point for other positive changes.

5. Ease To Combat Stress and Anxiety:

According to the statistical data, the percent of the population suffering from an anxiety disorder is 3.76% as of 2017.

Mindfulness meditation is the only method used by experts to reduce cytokines that are caused by stress. It also reduces other stress-related diseases like irritable bowel syndrome, post-traumatic stress disorder, and fibromyalgia.

It increases positive self-statements and improvements by reducing problems like depression, anxiety, and pain over a while. Meditation regularly helps to reduce anxiety by improving stress reactivity and managing skills.

Let’s Recap:

The concept of mindfulness meditation is all about leaning purposefully into the present moment and connecting to your internal self. It also improves the quality of our mental and emotional health if it is done for a few minutes a day.

Together, mindfulness meditation techniques control stress-related diseases. This helps to reduce anxiety, stress-level, Insomnia, chronic pain, and other medical condition symptoms.

The self-examining technique affects our lives positively and improves our problem-solving skills that boost our brain’s focus and quickness.

